Greg Carrozza

Has nearly 1,000 placements on more than 100 TV channels worldwide

Greg Carrozza - Albuquerque, NM USA
Here’s a great email from Greg: "It’s been five years since I signed my first track from a TAXI forward, and now I have over 750 tracks signed with 40 different publishers. On top of that, I’ve had nearly 1,000 placements across more than 100 TV channels worldwide.

Recently, I discovered that one of my instrumental hip-hop tracks, 'Thinking Out Loud,' was placed during the NFC Championship game between the Detroit Lions and San Francisco 49ers on FOX, earning me over $2,500 in royalties.

I’ve also had national TV and internet ads for Samsung and Hyundai, thanks to collaborations with fellow TAXI members John Pearson and Becky Ketelsen.

The feedback I’ve received from TAXI submissions has been invaluable in helping me improve my work, getting tracks signed, and landing placements. If I hadn’t joined TAXI and attended the Road Rally, I wouldn’t have the career or the friendships I’ve built along the way. After just five short years, I’m proud to now serve as a mentor at the Road Rally and give back as much as I’ve learned to others.”

Greg, you and your work ethic inspire us at TAXI, and we could not be happier for you! Thanks for letting us know about these deals and placements!

Will Derryberry

Lots of deals and placements

Will Derryberry - Roseville, CA USA
I'm excited to share some recent successes with you! Over the past six months, I've written songs and instrumentals for seven albums, all for publishers I met through TAXI. I’ve also had the privilege of placing three songs on the TV soap General Hospital and several instrumentals in reality shows like Kaulitz & Kaulitz, Singles Inferno, and Dubai Bling. Additionally, I've secured over 50 instrumental placements across various German and European TV shows.
Here’s a rundown of the recent placements:

1. My instrumental track 'I’m Still Here' was featured on the TV show Dubai Bling.

2. Another instrumental, 'The Runner,' found a spot on Singles Inferno.

3. 'Desert At Dusk,' another instrumental piece, was placed in Kaulitz & Kaulitz.

In addition to these instrumentals, I had the pleasure of having two vocal songs featured on General Hospital. 'Have Mercy' and 'Let It Roll' both made it onto the show, which was an incredible thrill.
On top of that, I’ve seen some strong activity in Europe, with 41 detections of tracks from my indie/surf album Riptide on various European TV shows, according to
I'm also continuing to write a ton of songs for music libraries, and this year alone I’ve contributed to seven albums since Q1.

It's been an exciting journey, and I’m grateful for the opportunities to have my music featured across these platforms. I’m looking forward to what’s next! Thanks so much for your continued support.”

Great news, Will, and congratulations! We know how hard you work at your craft, and it’s clearly resulting in what promises to be a great career!

William Giakas

Signed two of his songs with two different companies!

William Giakas - Rockford, IL USA
William reported, “I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve signed my first deal with a music library/publisher! At 61 years of age, I’m finally getting started!

My song, 'Jump with Me,' was recently signed by a Hollywood music licensing company for possible placement under an exclusive single-song contract. While it hasn’t been synced with TV/film just yet, this is an exciting start! I’m also excited to share that my song, 'Best for You,' was just signed by a different music licensing company for potential placement, as well!

I’m excited because I only started seriously getting back into songwriting this past January 2024! I’m hoping to really kick off my second career! I’ve found that the feedback from TAXI’s A&R team to be incredibly helpful in fine-tuning my mixes and arrangements, and in understanding where to better target my song pitches! Thanks to everyone at TAXI for the support!”

You are very welcome, William! Congratulations, and thank you for letting us and your fellow members know about this.

Justin Phillips

Got three songs signed very early in his membership

Justin Phillips - Brooksville, FL USA
Justin let us know, “I haven’t been a member for very long, but I’ve already landed a deal for my songs 'Move It', 'Wish List,' and 'My Sunshine.' I love how easy TAXI is to use and how detailed the song requests are—you know exactly what to pitch!”

Thanks for letting us know, Justin, and congratulations. Here’s to many, many more!

Casey Hurowitz

Got a song placed in an Independent Horror Film

Casey Hurowitz - Fort Washington, PA USA
Here’s a report about a cool placement. “I just got a call from a music library I've had songs in for many years. A song I co-wrote with Scott Free and FM Cossey—both of whom I met through TAXI—has been placed in the indie horror film, The Man in The White Van. The movie will be released in theaters later this year and our names will be in the credits. Wooo-Hooo! You can Google the movie’s title, The Man in The White Van, and a lot comes up. Thank you, Scott, FM, and TAXI!! You all rock!!”

That’s great news, Casey, and congrats to Scott and FM Cossey, as well!

Bob Mete

Got a song of his in an Independent Film

Bob Mete - Earlysville, VA USA
Long-time member, Bob Mete has an addendum to the previous report from Casey Hurowitz: “Wahoo! I also got a call from the same library that Casey just mentioned, and I landed a placement in the same film. I had a nice chat with the music library owner. And when I told my wife about the placement, (the running joke in our house is, ‘So what restaurant are we in?’ Well, actually [this time] the scene is in the dining room, close enough! The tune is called, ‘I Saw Her There.’

If you stop and think about Casey’s post and mine, this Indie Film has Four composers/writers that ALL found each other, not by chance, but by being Members of TAXI!”

Thanks for letting us know, Bob, and congratulations! It seems like more and more TAXI members are getting indie film placements. We ran listings for a film a while back, and virtually every piece of music in the entire film came from TAXI members!!!

Jeffrey Dunnigan

A TAXI forward resulted in a deal four years later!

Jeffrey Dunnigan aka Todd and the Swans - Boise, ID USA
Jeffrey says that, “The waiting is the hardest part.” Here’s the full story: “We (True Swans) got an email out of the blue from the head of A&R at a fairly large, well distributed music library who said he loved two tracks that we submitted [to TAXI] and got forwarded to him four years earlier! This has developed into a relationship where he is regularly signing tracks from us—five so far and counting. I'm confident these tracks are going to be placed and showing up on our Tunesat sooner rather than later.
Honestly, we haven't been doing too many TAXI submissions lately because we have developed so many direct relationships from the connections made through TAXI that we literally don't have time to develop any new relationships. I guess that’s a success story in itself!

We remain TAXI members even though we're not submitting so much, primarily because of the Road Rally. We find that the Rally is worth the price of membership alone. TAXI also helps us see what companies are asking for, so we can keep our finger on the pulse of what's ‘hot’ right now.”

Better late than never, Jeffrey, and congratulations! You’re living proof that one can never predict when a forward from TAXI will result in a deal or placement. Patience is a virtue!

Dylan Garcia

A TAXI forward resulted in a deal and a relationship with a publisher

Dylan Garcia - Oxnard, CA USA
Dylan let us know, “Since rejoining TAXI, I’ve had a few songs forwarded by them. Recently, one of those songs, 'Feelings Don’t Lie', was signed by a publisher. I’m currently building a relationship with them, and I’m optimistic that great things are on the horizon!

I just had another song forwarded recently as well! I rejoined TAXI last year because, as a songwriter, I knew my songs were ready as final products.

I really appreciate the feedback I’ve received from TAXI—it’s shown me areas where my songwriting can improve. It helped me get my foot in the door to a side of the music industry where I always knew I would be successful. Thank you, TAXI!”

Congrats, Dylan! Please let us know when you start getting placements resulting from those deals!!

Hubert Razackr

Credits TAXI with his sync education, forwards, and now deals!

Hubert Razack, Toronto, CANADA
I got a forward from TAXI on my track, ‘Against the Overlords’ for a Sci-Fi Trailer listing back in May, and got contacted last week by the music library. They asked me for four additional tracks. Then a couple of days later they contacted me again about another track titled, ‘Hopes and Dreams,’ they got from another TAXI listing, and asked for another album!

So, I’m five months into TAXI, and I got two library deals with potentially eleven tracks signed (three from the first library, and potentially eight from the second one). More importantly I now have a good relationship with their respective CEOs.

I shall add that I knew absolutely nothing about the sync industry prior to joining TAXI. I had solid skills in music production but had no clue about sync. All of my sync-education is from TAXI, and I couldn't be more grateful for it!

What I found the most useful has been writing specifically for the various listings. Receiving regular listings always gives me an idea of what is in demand.”

Congratulations, Hubert! It sounds like you’ve got the music for media thing “dialed-in,” and we’re pretty certain we’ll be hearing about some great placements coming down the pike sooner than later!

Tom Lerner

New placements on Hulu, CBS, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and PBS

Tom Lerner – Los Angeles, CA USA
Tom reports, "TAXI put me in touch with the CEO of a leading Music Library by way of a panel at the Road Rally a few years ago. The company signed 5 of my tracks to non-exclusive deals, and placed my song, ‘Stand Up,’ in the pilot of the series, Snowfall on Epix.

I love the customer service at TAXI, and I appreciate their efforts to educate members regarding that which is needed for success. I also think that TAXI’s fees are extremely fair. Thanks, TAXI!"

Nice placement, Tom. Congratulations, and thanks for mentioning that the connection to that company began at our conference, the Road Rally.

Fran Lucci

Signed 18 songs with a great company, and also connected with a legendary producer, resulting in a bunch of TV and film placements

Fran Lucci - Woodland Hills, CA USA
Here’s a great story from Fran! “In April of 2024, I submitted six songs to a listing looking for ’90s pop rock with female vocals. TAXI forwarded two of my submissions to the head of A&R at a highly respected sync label with a great track record. The company’s V.P. of A&R contacted me a week later saying he liked those songs, and wanted to hear more. During the next three months, I sent most of the songs I’d written and recorded in the ’90s. The company selected and signed 18 of those songs! I got a nice upfront payment from them, and will still earn income from the performance royalties through my PRO. I’m super excited to be working with them, as they have a great track record for placements in film, TV and commercials. They have a stellar reputation in the industry as both a music library and a record label, and I feel very fortunate to have secured this deal. And the bonus; they’re good people who say what they do, and do what they say.

I have been a TAXI member since 1998. One of my favorite TAXI experiences came during a Road Rally in the late ’90s. Michael Lloyd, a well-known music producer (Dirty Dancing soundtrack, and many other huge hits) happened to be sitting on the song critique panel. My song didn’t get played during the panel, however, Michael Lloyd generously agreed to listen to TAXI member songs on his own time.

After the panel, I introduced myself and gave him my song. A few weeks later, he called me saying he loved my song and wanted to hear more. Since then, Michael Lloyd and I have become friends and co-writers, having written several songs together. All of the songs we wrote together were produced by him and have been placed in films and TV series. Of course, this long-standing relationship would never have come to pass, had it not been for the TAXI Road Rally and the meticulously planned panels. Regarding TAXI’s screening process, it’s still a gut punch every time I get a return (and there have been many). But I fully understand that credibility is on the line and what keeps TAXI’s clients coming back to this valuable service. TAXI’s job is to send only the best songs; the best fit for the listing. I am a prime example of perseverance and willingness (albeit kicking and screaming) to take the critiques and make the necessary adjustments if they make sense to me. Or, I just move on and write a new song.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to TAXI after all these years of dedication and consistency; always striving to identify greatness and ‘play it’ forward.”

We’re so happy for you, Fran! Both of these deals and relationships are with some of our favorite people in the industry, and it’s great to hear that one of them has already resulted in years-worth of sync placements!

Luca Nicotra

One deal signed, and another in the works

Luca Nicotra - Catania, ITALY
Luca wrote to tell us, “I want to let you know that I'm in contact with a great music library I met through a TAXI submission. Although I haven't signed anything yet, the relationship is looking good.

In February I submitted to a TAXI listing asking for underscore-friendly, piano pattern-based instrumentals. I felt very much inspired by the listing, so I wrote five tracks! Two of them were forwarded to the company, and they seem to like ‘Hanging On’ very much. Then we started talking and since he wanted to know if I had more available tracks in the same genre, so I sent him four more, and now I'm waiting for the final approval to prepare alternative versions and stems.
I must mention that I had another deal with another company I was forwarded to by TAXI for an uplifting orchestral listing. They liked and signed two tracks; ‘Wake Up,’ and ‘Don't Stop Now.’ I like that TAXI gives me inspiration to compose in all the genres I'm interested in, and at the same time also provides useful feedback and helps me make direct contacts with the music libraries!”

Thank you for letting us know, Luca, and congratulations!

Rachel Evergreen

Rally connection led to deal with CCM Publisher, and now music for sync

Rachel Evergreen - Franklin, TN, USA
Rachel wrote, “About 10 years ago I joined TAXI, and made a connection at the Road Rally with a Contemporary Christian Music publisher. She took me under her wing and eventually signed me to her company's roster. After 10 years in Christian music, I rejoined TAXI in May 2024 to write film/sync. Currently, I am independent, and TAXI has been invaluable for providing specific briefs and deadlines! It is like having a publisher with inside information. I recently signed an exclusive single-song deal for my song ‘No Place Like Hope.’ I wrote and produced the song for the listing, it was forwarded, and the publisher reached out to me about five days after the listing closed. I love writing for sync/film/ads because there are opportunities for almost every style. I never would have made the connection without TAXI. I believe this is just the beginning! And I look forward to more opportunities, connections, and eventually … placements!”

Congratulations, Rachel, and thank you so much for letting us know about both of these deals!

Joseph Bradley

Songs signed and placements in Greece and Japan

Joseph Bradley - Vero Beach, FL USA
This returning TAXI member let us know about a couple of exciting developments! “I was a TAXI member for a few years back, in the mid 2010s. I had some success, and had a lot of forwards and ended up signing a deal with a music library overseas. Life got in the way and I had to drop out of this business for a while. I am back in now, and have gotten plenty of forwards and have six songs already signed with a new library. Reviewing my PRO statement recently and I found that two songs from my first stint here at TAXI were being used in Greece and Japan! Imagine that!!

I also signed 3 songs directly from a TAXI listing with a library that is requesting new music all the time, of which three more have been signed! Thanks TAXI! I’m looking forward to more success and love TAXI and the members Forum. Plenty of great people who are so generous with their advice and music.”

Welcome back, Joseph, and thanks for letting us know about the signings and the placements! Please keep us in the loop as more of them happen, and good luck!

Andrew Reilly

Got his Middle Eastern Tracks signed by a company distributed by Universal

Andrew Reilly - Plymouth, MN USA
Here’s a nice note from Andrew, “I just wanted to express my appreciation regarding you temporarily reopening a listing for me to make a late submission. I know it was a big ask, but I'm pleased to say that my tracks were forwarded AND I heard from the client today, resulting in a library deal!

So, thank you very, very much.  I'm really happy that everything worked out so well – just wanted to let you guys/girls at TAXI know how much this deal means to me (and how your support last week resulted in something awesome).

I'm overjoyed to share that a run of TAXI forwards led to a MASSIVE connection and music library deal, with three of my recent Arabic tracks (‘Ancient Streets,’ ‘Mystic Bazaar,’ and ‘Midnight Caravan’) becoming signed by a company distributed by Universal. This is huge for me, as I write a lot of Middle Eastern music, and now the door is open for me to submit many more compositions to this music library. I can't even express how good it feels to have a good 'home' for my music in a niche genre. Something that I'd like to point out is how well TAXI vets companies for QUALITY – though the bar is high, when I do get forwards I know that my tunes are being listened to by an A-list music library or music licensing company, and that opportunity alone is worth so much to someone like me who is just starting to build a network in the production music industry. A huge and sincere thanks to TAXI – the future looks bright.”

Congrats, Andrew, and we truly appreciate your enthusiasm. We know that company and its CEO really well, and like you, we hold him in very high regard! Keep us posted as you begin to get placements! 

Jeffrey Turner

TAXI’s Custom Critiques helped land his music with an international music library

Jeffrey Turner - Hopewell, VA USA
A note from Jeffrey; “Hi, I just signed a publishing deal with an international music library. It feels great! I want to thank everyone at TAXI for their contributions in making this possible for me.
I really like TAXI’s no pressure approach. Loads of information and tools are available. The feedback from the screeners is essential. The custom critiques: I didn't really understand what I was doing format/structure-wise until I put several tracks through a custom critique. I asked the screeners to point out everything that was wrong. They did, and I corrected those issues. During an episode on TAXI TV, Michael said that we should take a look at submitting to the international music listings. I submitted to the Middle Eastern listing, got a forward that resulted in my first deal with TAXI. If you are willing to take your business seriously and really participate in what TAXI is offering, you can be successful. Thanks again.”

You are so right, Jeffery, and thank you for letting us know about your music getting signed and the value of TAXI’s Custom Critiques. Please let us know when your music starts getting placements in TV shows!!

Levisha Johnson

Signed with a great publisher on her first submission!

Levisha Johnson – Charlotte, NC USA
“I signed a deal with a great publisher on my first submission, and here's my story: When I decided to become a recording artist and songwriter years ago, I always believed that no one would take my music more seriously than I did. This belief led me to discover many opportunities, including what I consider a hidden gem—TAXI.
After I joined, it felt like a huge leap of faith, being in such a big pond. But what I quickly fell in love with about TAXI is that they don’t make you feel like a small fish in that pond. In fact, I felt the complete opposite. For the first time, I felt that my music and songwriting abilities had the potential to be heard by individuals in the music business who were seriously looking for raw talent.

It had always been my dream to write big soundtracks for movies, commercials, and to get a placement. But I absolutely did not expect to be selected by a top publisher on my very first submission. I had read stories from other members that the likelihood of that happening was slim, simply because there’s a lot of competition. But I was confident nonetheless, which led to my song, 'Very Merry Christmas' being forwarded by a TAXI screener. The very next day, I connected with the publisher who was interested, and we struck a deal.

I have always loved the holidays, being born in winter and naturally inclined toward the giving spirit. So, scoring an original Christmas song with commercial appeal really meant a lot to me, and the feedback from TAXI was a major motivating factor. I’m forever grateful to TAXI for providing a platform for artists like myself who are committed to taking their craft to the next level, and I will always speak highly of them.”
Congratulations, Lavisha, and thank you for putting a huge smile on our collective faces here at the TAXI office. Continued success to you, and please keep us in the loop!

Desmond Johns

Signed an entire album of Tension Cues after just one forward from TAXI

Desmond Johns – Eastpointe, MI USA
Desmond reports, "I submitted two compositions to the TAXI brief 'Lots of HIP-HOP TENSION INSTRUMENTAL CUES.' One of my tracks, titled 'Where...', was forwarded. Just ten days after the submission deadline, the publisher contacted me, asking if I had more cues like it. They sent me paperwork to review and requested a streaming link with 8-10 cues in the style of, 'Where...'.

Shortly after, I provided the link, and they ended up signing the entire album. Additionally, the publisher added me to their website on their composer page. I love how TAXI helps me get into a music library faster by following a specific brief, providing another effective tool in my arsenal for securing sync placements. The Road Rally was fantastic too, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the 2024 Road Rally!"

That’s how it’s done, Desmond! Congratulations, and thanks for letting us know!!

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