Minoru Amino

Had 7,800 placements in just the 2nd half of 2023!

Minoru Amino – Kadoma, JAPAN
Minoru reports some exciting news! “According to my BMI royalties the other day, my orchestral track, ‘Other World’ was placed on Discovery Plus’s The Dead Files with two episodes, which are also available on MAX and Amazon Prime. The track was signed with a LA publisher five years ago. I was just beginning to think it would never get a placement again. The other tracks were also other placements in a number of other countries listed, but since these were international royalties, it is unclear what shows they were used.

The better news is that a while ago I received a statement of the usage of my songs from a publisher in London for the second half of last year. There were more than 7,800 placements in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, UK BBC, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, India, UAE, Denmark, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, and other countries around the world. The United States was accounting for nearly half of the total. To my surprise, almost all of the songs I signed with that publisher were placed in those countries. I was able to listen to some of the songs by chance in my country, Japan.

The list was so long that it's impossible to know exactly which songs were not used.

The statement of usage for the first half of last year was 900 placements, so it's grown by about nine times. These relationships with publishers were built from TAXI Forwards five and four years ago, respectively. I have built particularly good relationships with the UK publisher. I was particularly surprised and deeply grateful that they placed almost all of the songs I signed with them.

Thank you to Michael and the TAXI staff for your great efforts.”

Wow, Minoru, that’s an exceptional number of placements by anybody’s measure, and we’re so happy for you! And thank you for mentioning that those relationships started with forwards from TAXI.

Jeff LaPlante

Patience resulted in a placement on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars

Jeff LaPlante – South Hadley, MA USA
Jeff reminds his fellow members that patience pays off: “Two years ago, I signed a deal (through TAXI) with a music library for five celebratory pop tracks that would be pitched directly to Dancing with the Stars on ABC. With quite a bit of time going by, I assumed that my tracks weren't chosen, and the show passed them by. Fast forward two years, and what do I see on my latest royalty statement? Dancing with the Stars! And it was one of the cues in that initial batch of five from two years ago. Patience is a virtue, my friends!”

It certainly is, Jeff! And thank you so much for reminding your fellow members just how important it is to remain patient.

Robert Zimmermann

Placements on CBS and Hulu with ’90s vintage music

Robert Zimmermann – Bishop, GA USA
Robert reports, “I put together the band Affordable Lawn Care with some friends of mine after I had written a collection of songs in the late ‘90s. We went in the studio and recorded ten of them and began touring the Southeastern United States to try and get noticed by record companies and hopefully get a deal. Unfortunately, life got in the way of a couple of band members in the form of families and babies, and we were unable to stay together. Out of 1000 CDs, we sold about 700, sent out or gave away 200 and I still have 100 in my basement. After joining TAXI to try and get music placed, I saw a listing by a company that specializes in vintage music for sync, and they needed songs recorded in the late ’90s. I submitted a couple from that album and the company decided to buy the publishing rights for all of the songs. This was my first success through TAXI, and it was a big one.

Since then, that company has placed four songs from that album. The first song, ‘Time Passes By ' was placed in the movie The Turkey Bowl, and that same song was then placed in the CBS TV show This Is Us. Two different songs have been placed in the Hulu series, Under the Bridge. The song, 'I Wouldn't Mind' was placed in episode 2, and 'Easier to Find' in episode 8. I will be a TAXI member for life and owe all of this to them and of course, my contact at the company TAXI connected me with. He’s the real rock star. It has me excited about writing again, so thank you TAXI!!!”

Congratulations, thanks for telling us about that deal and the subsequent placements, Robert. Even music from the ’90s is now considered vintage, and there’s a very real market for music from every decade before that. Our members should pay close attention to those Listings in their daily emails. If they don’t, they’re missing some great opportunities to earn income with music they wrote and recorded back in the day!

Douglas Nicholson

Signed deals with 5 music libraries

Douglas Nicholson – Seattle, WA USA
Douglas sent in this report. “I was encouraged by a TAXI Forum member to submit this as a success story. As of this writing, I am in the middle of my second year with TAXI.  Ironically, I considered my experience to be more of a growth process rather than success, as I’ve not (yet) had any placements. Nonetheless I have signed with five music libraries and recently earned my first royalty payment. I have also created albums for several of those libraries and even started a relationship with one of them. All of this resulted exclusively from TAXI Forwards.

My experience with TAXI has been wonderful.  The biggest value for me has been the screener critiques. I look at them as mini master classes that give me specific insight into improving my tracks. I’ve incorporated the feedback into some of the rejected tracks only to have them forwarded (and signed) on subsequent submissions. I am really enjoying the process and I hope the work I am doing now will pay off down the road.”

Congratulations, Douglas. That’s great progress for only a year and a half into your membership, and we’re pretty sure you’re going to get some placements. Be patient, and keep feeding the beast!

Yuliya Yefremova

Signed a deal with a “renowned music label”

Yuliya Yefremova – Lomagna, ITALY
“Dear TAXI Team,
I hope this letter finds you all well. It has been some time since our paths last crossed formally. Even though it's been a year since I concluded my membership with TAXI, I felt a strong inclination to reach out and share some fantastic news with a team that was integral to my development as a musician.

Approximately four years after my initial music submission via your platform, I am thrilled to inform you that I have recently signed a significant contract with a renowned music label. This milestone was undeniably facilitated by the invaluable exposure and feedback that I received during my active years with TAXI.

Reflecting on the journey, I am deeply grateful for the opportunities that TAXI afforded me to hone my craft and connect with the music industry at large. The constructive critiques and industry insights that I received from your A&R team were particularly instrumental in guiding my artistic direction and sharpening my productions.

Though no longer a member, the professional foundation I built during my time at TAXI continues to support my career aspirations and achievements. It felt only right to extend my heartfelt thanks to you and everyone involved for your part in my ongoing musical journey.

Thank you once again for your support and for fostering a platform where independent artists can truly thrive. I look forward to possibly crossing paths again in the future under new and exciting circumstances.”

That’s great news, Yuliya! And we really appreciate you letting us know how the feedback from our A&R team helped you along the way. Continued success, and please keep us in the loop!

Casey Hurowitz

TAXI’s Road Rally spawned success

Casey Hurowitz – Fort Washington, PA USA
Here’s a cool story from Casey. “At the 2023 Road Rally, I met an amazing artist, Tiffany Sayers. We talked about collaborating. Not that long after, I sent her the lyrics for a song called ‘Rebound Lover.’ She came up with the melody and we worked together on lyric changes and some restructuring. I knew we had a good one! We needed a great producer, so I brought in the one and only (fellow TAXI member) Greg Carrozza as producer. We recently signed the song with one good TAXI friendly library and a really solid sync agent. I got to know Greg over the past few years from being active on the TAXI Forums, going to the Road Rally, and TAXI friend recommendations. We've created a number of successful co-writes. (One earned a $3K sync!) Relationships from the Road Rally are great. Every year I meet new collaboration partners. IMO, networking with your peers is the most important part of the experience, in addition to the learning. Of course, people do make contacts with industry pros, but I always advise people not to make that your ‘make or break’ goal for the Rally. Thank you, TAXI, Tiffany, and Greg!”

Congrats Casey, Tiffany, and Greg! We love when the Road Rally brings members together and gets them on the path to success!

Chris Moser

TAXI helped him become so successful that he hasn’t had time to submit more music!

Chris Moser – Riggisbergg, Berne, SWITZERLAND
Here’s an awesome email from Chris. “I just wanted to report that for the past 4 or 5 months, I have had absolutely no time to submit to TAXI listings. I've been busy writing to briefs directly from the four to five libraries I work with regularly, thanks to the relationships I established through TAXI!

As provocative and absurd as the subject of this email may seem, it's actually a big THANK YOU to TAXI and the service you provide. It wasn't free, though; I made approximately 300 submissions in my first 3 years with TAXI and posted my forwards (and returns) time and time again in the Forwards blog. These efforts led to signing 11 contracts with different libraries worldwide. I always tried to communicate professionally and stuck to the mantra of under-promising and over-delivering.”

We forgive you for not submitting Chris, lol! We’re actually very happy that you’re too busy, and we’re grateful that you let us know that we helped you on your journey.

James O’Toole

Got three of his instrumental tracks in Disney+ TV show

James O’TooleBrentford Square, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
James reports, “Three of my tension/underscore tracks were used in the Disney+ show How I Caught My Killer. This is my first paid placement!

After playing bass guitar in metal bands for ten years, I began diving into digital recording and set up a home studio. I became interested in music for film and television and started experimenting with writing atmospheric instrumental pieces after a few people told me my music sounded cinematic.

I submitted to various TAXI listings from 2019 on, using the variety of listings to broaden my composition skills and taking note of the valuable feedback. I had a dozen or so forwards for tension cues, drones, various styles of instrumental pieces, and even a cover of an ’80s pop hit. I also signed 19 tracks to a music library in LA through a TAXI connection.

In 2022-23, I focused on my freelance graphic design business, so music took a back seat. I let my membership lapse but always planned to return, as writing for TAXI listings definitely helped me sharpen my composition, recording, and mixing skills.
In April 2024, I received notice that two of my compositions were placed in the series How I Caught My Killer. I’ve now renewed my TAXI membership for another two years, and I’m looking forward to submitting a bunch of new music!”
Congratulations, James. You’ve broken the ice, and we hope you have many more placements on the near horizon!

Richard  Couture

One TAXI forward resulted in two albums of material being requested

Richard Couture – Granby, Québec, CANADA
My organic-based instrumental cue 'New Beginnings' has been forwarded by TAXI to a very successful boutique music library that has tons of credits in big films, countless TV shows, and commercials. After signing the deal, the CEO of this music library asked me to work on two new instrumental cue albums to be completed this summer. So, in the near future, several pieces of music I composed and produced will be heard in films, TV shows, and commercials!
I also have two more tracks recently forwarded by TAXI: 'Inner Journey' (relaxing ambient instrumental) and 'Forgive and Live' (uplifting piano/strings instrumental cue).
Here is what I like most about TAXI:

  1. The high quality and quantity of amazing opportunities I receive in my email inbox every morning from TAXI and their clients.
  2. The priceless feedback I receive each time I submit a track to TAXI. Every feedback helps me become a better composer and producer.
  3. The kindness and professionalism of the entire TAXI team. As soon as I have enough money saved, I'll take the first flight to Los Angeles for the TAXI Road Rally!
  4. Making my dream of making a living by creating music come true!”
That’s great news, Richard! We love helping our members’ dreams of composing for a living come true!
Peter Checkley

His song got licensed as the Theme song for a TV series

Peter Checkley – Dudley, West Midlands U.K.
A music library client just reported that TAXI member, Pete Checkley got his song, “Adios Hombre” used as the theme song for the popular Estonian TV Show, Noor Meister, now in its second season! Pete’s initial signing to the music library resulted from a relationship that began with his TAXI membership.

Congratulations, Pete! Great news, and we always love hearing about your placements!!

Owen Chaim

Landed a song in a CBS TV promo

Owen Chaim – Mississauga, ON Canada
Reported by one of our music library clients: “TAXI member Owen Chaim recently had his song, ‘Whistle While You Work’ used in the on-air promo for the new Wayans Family TV show, Poppa’s House on the CBS television network.”

Congratulations, Owen! That’s a great placement! Keep them coming!!

Anthony Isabel

Got his track in a feature film with Bette Midler

Anthony Isabel – Studio City, CA USA
Reported by one of TAXI’s music library clients: “We’re happy to let you know that Anthony Isabel (who we signed via TAXI) had his track, ‘String Quintet in E Major, Op. 11, No. 5. Minuetto,’ placed in the upcoming feature film, The Fabulous Four, starring Bette Midler, Bruce Greenwood, Susan Sarandon, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Megan Mullally. The film will be released this coming summer.”

Congratulations Anthony! Nothing like a feature film placement to add to your resume!

Hoot Gibson

Got his song placed in an Amazon Prime TV show

Hoot GibsonNew Westminster, BC, CANADA
Great news from one of our favorite music licensing clients: “Writing to share some exciting news with you (Hoot) and our friends at TAXI. Your song, ‘You Are My Lover’ is streaming on a horror feature show titled, Them: The Scare on Amazon Prime. Congrats to Hoot, and of course, THANK YOU TAXI!!!!”

Hoot adds, “Two years ago I submitted seven songs that were all forwarded to various publishers and music licensing companies, and this is the result of one of those connections!”

Congratulations, Hoot! We’re really happy for you, and hope to see you at this year’s TAXI Road Rally in November!

Dale Grisa

His song got licensed for a TV Commercial

Dale Grisa – Livonia, MI USA
One of TAXI’s Music Library clients reported to us, “Dale Grisa (who we signed through TAXI) recently got his song, ‘Bougie Bolero’ placed in a TV commercial for Maille Sauces.”

Congrats on that sweet placement, Dale. We love their Grey Poupon Mustard!

Mark Miller

Got several deal offers and signings

Mark Miller - Brentwood, TN USA
Mark let us know about several deals he’s signed as a result of his TAXI membership. “I had four songs forwarded and three deals were offered from a Canadian company, but I decided to only give them one of the songs because another project is in the works for the other two songs and didn't want to tie them up. I also recently signed another sync deal with an LA-based company. Very thankful to TAXI for the opportunities.
I’ve been offered five deals, but I’ve only signed two through TAXI because the other three were taken by somebody else by that time. That’s all because of TAXI’s contacts through this whole process.

TAXI has definitely made me a better instrumental cue writer, because of the reviewer's comments. It has been a real learning curve trying to figure out how to fix and send the correct sound and format for each brief. I’m still working on trying to figure it out, but it’s getting better and better. I really think TAXI is wonderful, with all the (TAXI TV) YouTube videos and information they give us members for a pretty minimal membership fee. All the knowledge it’s priceless if you’re really into this kind of business.”

Congratulations, Mark. It sounds like you’re on quite a roll. Please keep us in the loop as the placements start to happen as well.

Alex Dilan

Got a ton of instrumental tracks by multiple companies

Alex Dilan - Sarasota, FL USA
Alex told us, “The good news is that TAXI has helped me sign 22 songs into a Library in three months! I hope to use that as my excuse for not enough sleep.

TAXI forwarded my track, ‘Dark Hear’ to a great new music licensing company in October of 2023. It was accepted, and that led to another 10 tracks getting signed, ranging from Orchestral to Politcal to Swagger Rock to Cinematic Horror to Cello and Piano, and Sports Rock, as well.
During the 1st quarter of 2024, 21 more tracks were accepted, ranging from Modern Noire to Dark piano and Cello to Uplifting Orchestra to Piano and Violin, 80's Pop Rock, Dark Ambient Tension, 70's Funk, Rock Orchestral Action Builders, and even Golden Age of Cartoons music!  All of this started with one track that was forwarded by TAXI.

I have also been commissioned to write 11 pieces of music for a video game album by another Music Library, and five new albums from yet another music licensing company in the U.K. for Christmas and Hallmark-style piano cues. Both of those deals also happened as a result of my TAXI membership! Thank you, TAXI, for letting publishers know I make high quality music. The doors to my success were opened by your listings.

Dreams begin with hard work, but TAXI helped facilitate it becoming a reality!”

Alex, we could not be happier for you. You didn’t give up when the going got rough, and look at you now! We’re doing cartwheels on your behalf. Please write to us when your tracks start to get some cool placements!

Michael Miller

Got 52 instrumental tracks signed

Michael Miller - Champaign, IL  USA
Michael reports, "I had a huge number of tracks placed in a music library as part of a special project. They wanted composers who could supply 100-500 tracks within 30-45 days. I began working earnestly in March, and by the end of April, I had created 36 tracks. I submitted those along with tracks of unsigned music and they accepted 52 tracks! 

I've been watching TAXI TV (on YouTube) since 2010 and finally took the plunge and joined TAXI in 2020. Within three months, I was forwarded to the above-mentioned music library. Three years later, I got forwarded again, and to my surprise, it was the same library and they accepted two more tracks. Along with three other tracks in another library I was forwarded to by TAXI, I now feel like I have a decent number of tracks out there, hopefully I can get some placements. This has shown me what the TAXI staff and members say all the time, ‘Step by step, little by little, keep at it and it will happen.’ I've learned so much from TAXI TV and the TAXI free conference, the Road Rally, I'm looking forward to even more.  Thanks to everyone who has helped build this wonderfully generous community!”

Wow, Michael, you are killin’ it, dude! Congrats, and here’s to many, many more signings and the placements that will also come with time!

Robin Rorie

Turned lemons into musical lemonade

Robin Rorie - Palm Harbor, FL  USA
Robin reports, “I was contacted by a Music Publisher who received one of my tracks via a TAXI forward. It was an Exclusive License Deal, but I quickly made them aware that the song was already available on all the music platforms, because I didn't want to create a problem for them. This led to an invitation by them for me to write something new for their project to replace the TAXI forward. They wanted a 70's Disco track, so I went to work and delivered it. They liked it, and signed me as a writer so I could produce more music for them. Thank you TAXI and Michael for providing this platform, support, and resources. I've had about 14 forwards in the last two years and the critiques have been invaluable. Thank you!”

You’re very welcome, Robin, and thanks for letting us know about your deal. Congratulations!

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