Feedback for "STARTING OVER (Feat. Jay Stevens)" by Bradley Hagen

TAXI Listing S240319EL

What I like most about this song

the style is valid just not a home run pitch and the song has a strong era and genre friendly structure. Good work on that Bradley.

I think you could improve this song by

rocking out a lot harder musically and turning up the energy musically and vocally in the choruses.

I returned or forwarded this song because

I didn't hear the kind of thunderous drumbeats or brutal energy on display in the reference tracks. The vocals also had a bit more of a glam vibe than hardcore metal.

Additional things I noticed...

(The comments below are just helpful suggestions and NOT necessarily the reason this music was forwarded or returned. Look at the top, right-hand dialog box that says, “I returned or forward this submission because” to see the reason for the Forward or Return.)




Recording and Production

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    Listener ID: 19